Random question: where does the term “gentle reader” come from? I love it and am just curious if there’s a story there.

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Thank you! No story as such. I used to start every newsletter with a similar salutation, e.g., valued reader, gentle reader, esteemed reader. After I while I just decided gentle reader was my favourite. I'm sure somebody else out there has been doing it too!

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Very relatable. Reminds me of a friend who walked out of an interview with a dream employer after seeing their open-plan office. He calls standard knowledge work 'pressing on a plastic block for eight hours a day.' Being less assertive myself, a lot of my productive output has been lost to society forever.

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His assessment may not be far off 🤔

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Hah! I used to work in an open plan office as a translator. Sometimes I would have to wait to receive something to translate. I came up with the idea of bringing my knitting to help pass the time (this was in the days before internet and computers, i worked on a typewriter). The boss did not like that at all!So I learned to bring a book or a magazine or type letters to friends and be less conspicuous while waiting to receive work

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Sounds like you learned the same lesson I did Maite!

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It’s very odd that the high status jobs these days, in America, are often bullshit. Even doctors here, it’s questionable how much good they’re doing given the outcomes and current state of affairs.

Now I think “influencer” is a top desired job by young people. Is that a job? Sounds like a bullshit job.

America, I think, at this point, is largely running on immigrants doing non bullshit jobs.

It sort of makes sense that actually helping people often means doing hard work - boring, dangerous, strenuous, repetitive. Almost anyone can be trained to do it.

But not everyone can be accepted into the club to sit around and do BS jobs. It’s rly just UBI with strings attached, but you have to look the part, say the things, pay your dues to academia, know the people and play the game. It’s seen as more impressive to do that vs haul garbage. It’s seen as high status to be a landlord, or have “passive income” than to be useful in a basic way.

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That's right Chris, the status and what you contribute to society don't always correspond...in fact they sometimes seem to be inversely correlated 🥴

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I, too, am greatly disturbed by too many or too loud sounds. When I moved in with my partner and her kids, it was hell. I couldn’t get anything done, but I’ve been working from home for 21 years. Today, I still prefer stillness, but I can work and write amidst the insanity. Thanks for the thought-provoking essay and opportunity to comment.

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