I like owning things! I love shopping, especially now that I know what I like. So many of the things I own are from my hobbies, like candles or perfume. Now I'm getting more interested in body care, so I will have more lotion soon. And as I discover my sense of style, shopping for clothes will be easier and less fraught (ie I keep things until they fall apart so my wardrobe needs updating anyway).

I think minimalism is better for people with compulsive spending habits who need a framework to help them decide what they do or don't need and to keep their spaces tidy.

But when you spend thoughtfully, you don't really need minimalism.

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Good shoes, a fountain pen and a notebook with great paper.

And it may be shallow, but I get a lot of pleasure from a good car.

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Now that’s a lovely jacket! I really enjoyed this musing, likely because I’ve felt a lot of the same tension between self and things.

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