Really interesting to see your net worth journey and what happened in your life that caused the increases or the lack therefore. I haven’t tracked my net worth like this and wish I had, it’s super interesting info..
Also: I’m glad you found some of writing useful, thank you for sharing!
Thanks Cécile, I think I must have started tracking a long time ago as motivation, and sort of kept at it without paying much attention. Then when I looked the other day, I saw it had been almost 10 years and an almost 10x gain. – thought it was worth a reflection.
Really interesting to see your net worth journey and what happened in your life that caused the increases or the lack therefore. I haven’t tracked my net worth like this and wish I had, it’s super interesting info..
Also: I’m glad you found some of writing useful, thank you for sharing!
Thanks Cécile, I think I must have started tracking a long time ago as motivation, and sort of kept at it without paying much attention. Then when I looked the other day, I saw it had been almost 10 years and an almost 10x gain. – thought it was worth a reflection.
Appreciate the shout out brother